DuraShield® S

Synthetic filter cartridge for gas turbines

The DuraShield® S filter cartridge has been specifically designed to protect gas turbines in environments with high humidity. The DuraShield S has a high F9 (MERV 15) initial efficiency that will provide a sustainable performance over its operational life, increasing availability and reducing compressor fouling.

The DuraShield S has excellent particle efficiency for sustained gas turbine performance using a unique, durable media. The synthetic media is hydrophobic, withstanding high humidity from mists, fogs, or sustained levels of rain. In combination with its hydrophobic properties, the construction also provides an excellent water barrier to combat high levels of bulk water.


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Group 15 Copy

Excels in high humidity

Group 13 Copy

Effective water barrier

Group 8-2

Reduced maintenance & operational costs

Cartridge_F&B 2 (1)
Cartridge_F&B 3

Features & Benefits

  • The 100% synthetic, hydrophobic media will not swell when saturated even in environments where there is high humidity for most of the day.
  • An effective water barrier in applications subject to heavy rain, mists or fogs.
  • A low pressure drop helps improve engine efficiency by reducing fuel consumption and associated emissions while increasing engine peak load output.
  • A depth loading media with a high dust holding capacity, filter life is optimized even in humid environments.

Here to support you

Our experts are here to help you and guide you to the best filtration solution to improve your operational performance.